Kopfkohlen (detail) | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR


Nowadays the Head Coles that are growing in West Flanders fields are doing very well.

These shallow rooting vegetables are relatively safe to harvest in this area, where over a hundred years after World War 1, ammunition and human bones are still being found quite regularly.

Kopfkohlen (detail) | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR
Detail Kopfkohlen | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR
Kopfkohlen (detail) | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR
Detail Kopfkohlen | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR
Kopfkohlen | Wilhelm Morgner | TREFF 2021: FOUR